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Afke van de Hamelspoel   cro

                  friesian mare  
             photo courtesy: Andy Coles

Daughter of 
Ids 300 x Jetje G x Oltman 317

Born: 15th of February 2000.  Stam 81

Awarded 2nd premie ster 2003
Awarded 1st premie ster 2009
Awarded "crown" mare 2009

Afke lives at our stud since 2002. We bought her as a 2.5 year old mare who only had been to a foal keuring in Holland.To me she was something special and there was something about her, not only the way she moved but also her nature. Very independend. She walked up to me and started sniffing and stayed the whole time at my side, the choice was made. She chose me and I loved her and was happy to be her next owner. 
When we took Afke and other mares to the Keuring in 2003, she was still very young and not matured in her body and mind. Her condition wasn’t very healthy either, due to 10 weeks of quarantine. However the judges did recognise the quality of the mare and her movements and she became 2nd premie ster mare. At the 2009 Keuring she got awarded 1st premie ster mare twice and after doing the IBOP test with a 77%  result, she received the " Crown" awarding.

Afke gave us 4 beautiful foals, Sybren fan Wildcroft, Zwenneke fan Wildcroft, and Casparo fan Wildcroft and Driekus fan Wildcroft.
The judges classified them as nice developed foals with beautiful movements. 
Besides Afke being  one of two “Crown” mares in Australia she is also a superb broodmare. 
Her 4th foal  is born on the 28th of november 2009.

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